
 Sky-Watcher BK707AZ2 天文望遠鏡

Sky-Watcher BK707AZ2 天文望遠鏡
送星象圖+ 仰角器+指北針+飛碟探索雜誌

勁爆價只要: 3990


07/28 08/08 08/22
5190元 4796元 4404元

Sky-Watcher BK707AZ2

Sky-Watcher 針對初學者而設計的"入門型天文望遠鏡",對於初學者來說 BK707AZ2 相當容易上手,組合安裝簡單便利,於收納上也佔有較小的空間。

Sky-Watcher 針對初學者而設計的"入門型天文望遠鏡",BK707 AZ2 最大的特點在於它的高穩定性與寬視野目鏡,幫助剛起步接觸天文並學習各星體位置的初學者。可攝影.賞鳥賞蝶.觀天文三機一體多弁鄑擙g式望遠鏡,BK707AZ2 結構輕巧、便於攜帶操作簡單、方便,極易上手,鏡片所產生的聚光力足以觀看深空星體及銀河,高、低倍率目鏡可互換,附贈x2 Barlow Lens等加倍目鏡提升觀測必v,專利AZ2經緯儀腳架讓您隨心所欲的操控望遠鏡(水平360°&上下垂直90°)在任何角度觀測景物 ,全球暢銷標準入門型望遠鏡機種。

While there is no "perfec" beginner’s telescope, this one comes a lot closer than most

For more than three decades, I have grumbled about the rotten quality and poor value of most so-called beginners’ telescopes, especially 60mm refractors with "450-power Astronomical Telescope" emblazoned on the box. In the months before Christmas, these instruments are displayed in camera stores, department stores and "big-box" outlets. They are hard to miss and equally hard to resist if you are unfamiliar with telescopes but are looking for a relatively inexpensive way to begin telescopic observing.

Sky Watcher BK707AZ2 望遠鏡是一款非常輕巧易攜帶且光學品質特佳的望遠鏡,非常適合初學者使用。多層鍍膜消色差物鏡讓 BK707AZ2 的光學成像非常犀利,讓您盡情享受觀星、賞鳥賞蝶、眺望美景及攝影的樂趣,也是一款非常適合送給孩子的優良禮品。可連接各廠牌單眼相機、數位相機&DV作遠距攝影可清楚的觀看到土星的光環、木星橫條紋及其四大衛星、太陽系各行星及仙女座星雲等30幾個深空星雲。

The problem with the typical beginner’s telescope-priced in the $150 to $400 range-is this: Despite reasonably good primary optics (the main lens or mirror), the eyepieces, finderscope, tripod, mount and instruction manual usually all rate an "F". What the beginner needs is a stable, low-power wide-field eyepiece, which will make finding celestial targets comparatively easy. Here are the key things that a beginner’s telescope should offer.

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